

What is infertility
Infertility is a very common problem and affects approximately one in ten couples in Ireland. For many couples it can be a time of worry and stress. A couple is deemed to be subfertile if they haven’t conceived after 1 year of trying.

Lots of different factors can contibute to a couples inability to conceive. There can be problems with the male in approximately 25% cases such as poor quality or low number of sperm. Problems with the female may be due to a structural problem within the female organs or sometimes ovulation (the release of an egg from the ovary) doesn’t occur at all or doesn’t happen correctly.

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What can I do about infertility?

It is important for couples that are trying to conceive that they should reduce their alcohol consumption and caffeine intake. It is also important for both partners to stop smoking. Women who are trying to conceive should be taking folic acid for three months before the pregnancy and up to 12 weeks once a pregnancy has been achieved.

If infertility is affecting you, you should make an appointment to see one of our doctors.


What can my GP do about infertility?

There are many tests available for infertility. Some are carried out in the surgery and some are in hospital.

To start with, it is a good idea for both partners to meet the doctor and talk through what has happened to date. Blood tests will often be performed by the doctor. These are often taken during the first few days of your cycle, and another test later on in the cycle. A semen analysis can be arranged for the male partner.

Your doctor may feel that you need to be referred on to a fertility specialist.

The specialist will often do further tests in the hospital and discuss the treatment options with you. Your GP will be involved throughout the process if you go on to have fertility treatment.